Click on the symposium titles below to retrieve the complete technical
program for that symposium. The icons include links to descriptions of
the particular division or group it represents.
A1 - General Student Poster Session
(S. Seal, H. Nishihara) |
A2 - Nanotechnology
(W.A. van Schalkwijk, P. Kamat, M. Watanabe, W. Schindler) |
B1 - Rechargeable Lithium and Lithium Ion Batteries
(Z. Ogumi, K. Striebell, K. Zaghib, J. Yamaki) |
C1 - Battery and Energy Technology Joint General Session
(D. Scherson, J. Prakash, Z. Ogumi) |
C2 - Hydrogen Storage and Production, Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries
(C. Iwakura, C.A. Linkous, N. Kuriyama) |
D1 - Intercalation Compounds for Battery Materials
(M.S. Whittingham, R. Kanno,G. Sandi, J. Prakash) |
E1 - Electrochemical Capacitor and Hybrid Power Sources
(R.J. Brodd, D.H. Doughty, K. Naoi, M. Morita, C. Nanjundiah, J.H. Kim, G. Nagasubramanian, S.G. Park) |
F1 - Corrosion General Poster Session
(R.G. Kelly) |
F2 - Corrosion in Marine and Saltwater Environments II
(D.A. Shifler, P.M. Natishan, T. Tsuru, S. Ito) |
G1 - Third International Sympsoium on Pits and Pores: Formation, Properties, and Significance for Advanced Materials
(P. Schmuki, D.J. Lockwood, Y.H. Ogata, M. Seo, H. Isaacs) |
H1 - Solid-State Joint General Poster Session
(C.L. Claeys, M.J. Deen, M. Kubota) |
I1 - First International Symposium on Dielectrics for Nanosystems: Materials Science, Processing, Reliability and Manufacturing
(R. Singh, H. Iwai, R.R. Tummala, S.C. Sun) |
J1 - Thin Film Materials, Processes, and Reliability
(G.S. Mathad, M. Engelhardt, K. Kondo, H. S. Rathore) |
J2 - TFTT VII Symposium
(Y. Kuo, m. Matsumara, M. Hatano, P. Migliorato, J. Jang, O. Bonnaud) |
J3 - International Symposium on Nanoscale Devices and Materials
(S. Bandyophdhyay, M. Cahay, H. Hasegawa, N. Kohsida, J. Leburton, D.J. Lockwood, A. Stella) |
K1 - High Purity Silicon VIII
(C.L. Claeys, R. Falster, P. Stallhofer, M. Watanabe) |
L1 - Electronics Packaging
(K. Kondo, M. Datta, H. Honma, P.A. Kohl, Y. Tsukada) |
L2 - Eighth International Symposium on Magnetic, Materials, Processes, and Devices
(C. Bonhote, S.R. Brankovic, W. Schwarzacher, G. Zangari, T. Osaka, Y. Kitamoto) |
L3 - Molecular Structure of the Solid-Liquid Interface and Its Relationship to Electrodeposition IV
(R.C. Alkire, T. Homma, Y. Ito, D.M. Kolb) |
M1 - Nitride and Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Sensors, Photonics, and Electronics V
(H.M. Ng, T.D. Moustakas, R.C. Fitch, H.S. Shen, S.J. Pearton, K. Kishino, Y. Nanishi, Y. Kawakami) |
M2 - SiGe: Materials, Processing, and Devices
(D. Harame, J. Murota, H. Iwai, G.M. Oleszek, M.R. Caymax) |
M3 - State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors XLI
(A.G. Baca, W.K. Chan, K. Shiojima, R.F. Kopf) |
N1 - Second International Symposium on Integrated Optoelectronics
(M.J. Deen, C. Jagadish, T. Mizumoto) |
O1 - Electrochemistry in New Forms of Carbon
(K. Zaghib, Z. Ogumi, J. Prakash) |
P1 - Advances in Energy Conversion and Storage
(M.A. Ryan, E.S. Takeuchi, D. Scherson) |
Q1 - Applications of Nanomaterials in High Performance Batteries and Fuel Cells
(T. Abe, J. Prakash) |
Q2 - Fundamental Science and Technology of Photofunctional Interfaces
(Y. Nakato, H. Inoue, B.A. Parkinson, M.T. Spitler, J. Prakash, P.V. Kamat, G. Rumbles) |
R1 - Nanostructure and Function of Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes, and Related Materials
(F. D'Souza, N. Nakashima, T. Akasaka, S. Fukuzumi, D. Guldi, O. Ito, J.F. Nierengarten, K. Komatsu, Y. Rubin) |
S1 - Fifth International Symposium on Ionic and Mixed Conducting Ceramics
(M. Mogensen, T. Ramanarayanan, H. Yokokawa) |
T1 - High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry V
(E. Opila, J. Fergus, P. Hou, T. Mauyama, T. Narita, E. Wuchina, D. Shifler) |
U1 - Ninth International Symposium on Diamond Materials
(G.M. Swain, T. Ando, W.D. Brown, W.P. Kang, H.B. Martin) |
V1 - Chlor-Alkali Chemical Synthesis
(P.C. Foller, N. Furuya) |
W1 - Fourth International Symposium on Proton Conducting Membrane Fuel Cells
(J.W. Van Zee, M. Murthy, S.R. Narayan, E.S. Takeuchi, T.F. Fuller, K. Ota) |
X1 - Computational Chemistry and Electrochemistry
(P.B. Balbuena, J.M. Seminario, T. Osaka) |
X2 - Membranes and Separators for Fuel Cells and Batteries
(P. Arora, S. Creager, N. Kamiya) |
Y1 - Thirteenth International Symposium on the Physics and Chemistry of Luminescent Materials
(A.M. Srivastava, C.R. Ronda, D.J. Lockwood, H. Yamamoto) |
AB1 - New Developments in Synthetic and Mechanistic Organic Electrochemistry
(A. Fry, T. Fuchigami, K. Moeller, Y. Matsumura) |
AC1 - Bioelectrochemistry, Biosensor, and Biodevice Technology
(H. Matsuoka, T. Matsue, I. Taniguchi, J.F. Rusling, F.M. Hawkridge, C. Bruckner-Lea) |
AD1 - Physical Electrochemistry General Session
(G. Brisard, M. Osawa) |
AD2 - Liquid-Liquid Interfaces and Phase Transfer Catalysis
(M.R. Philpott, P. Vanysek, T. Kakiuchi, I. Benjamin) |
AD3 - Seventh International Symposium on Electrode Processes
(V.I. Birss, M. Josowicz, D. Evans, M. Osawa) |
AE1 - Fourteenth International Symposium on Molten Salts
(D. Costa, H.C. De Long, R. Hagiwara, R.A. Mantz, G.R. Stafford, P.C. Trulove) |
AE2 - Electrophoresis and Microfluidics
(P. Vanysek, I. Fritsch, A.J. Ricco, J.R. Stetter, Y. Baba, T. Kitamori) |
AF1 - Chemical Sensors VI: Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Systems
(C. Bruckner-Lea, P. Vanysek, G. Hunter, M. Egashira, N. Miura, F. Mizutani) |
AG1 - Microfabricated Systems and MEMS VII
(P.J. Hesketh, J.L. Davidson, H.G. Hughes, D.Misra, S. Shoji) |
AH1 - Biological Nanostructures, Materials, and Applications
(M. Urquidi-Macdonald, S. Seal, I. Taniguchi, P. Guo) |